This is my first time participating in the Show Us Your Books linkup, but I’m excited to be a part of the conversation and hopefully meet more bloggers who love reading as much as I do. (Thanks to Heather of Heather’s Hurrah for telling me about it!)
Linkup Guidelines:
This linkup happens the second Tuesday of every month. The next is Tuesday, July 11, 2017.
1. Please visit and comment with both of your hosts, Jana & Steph
2. Please display the button or link back to me and the linkup hosts on your blog post
3. Please visit a few other blogs who've linked up and get some book talk going!
I guess the best place to start is what I’ve read over the past month.
Engrossing Reads
Becoming Nicole: The Transformation of an American Family - I think I’ve mentioned before that my office has a Diversity Book Club, and though I was gunning for The Golden Boy to win as our recent pick, this book proved to be an excellent nonfiction version of the same story. It’s definitely an eye-opening read, and one that I would recommend.
The Kitchen House - I bought this book on May 19th at my new local library’s used book sale (along with 12 other books!) and, on the many, many recommendations from one of my online book clubs, I didn’t wait long to dive right in. It’s been awhile since I’ve read a piece of historical fiction that I truly enjoyed. I can’t wait to tell you more about it in my blog post later this week!
The Royal We - part The Prince & Me, part William and Kate’s love story, and basically every girl’s princess dreams come true, this novel was the perfect read to kick-off summer. Filled with drama, I couldn’t help but get sucked in as an American girl studying abroad (why couldn’t that happen to me?!) unexpectedly meets her real Prince Charming and takes us along for the ride. I sped through it.
Lilac Girls - Perhaps “enjoyed” is the wrong way to describe a WWII Holocaust novel, but for such intense subject matter, I still couldn’t put it down. I wouldn’t normally put a 3-star book in this category, but if it weren’t for Caroline’s chapters, I would’ve given this book four. I really wanted to try cooking with lilacs for this one, but unfortunately I started reading it about a month too late. Stay tuned to see what I do make 🙂
The Sisters Chase - In a Facebook group of fellow bookworms, this book was talked up as the best selection for June’s Book of the Month so, of course, it’s the one I selected. It was a super quick read and had a twist that I didn't see coming.
Passed the Time Just Fine
Truly Madly Guilty - Liane Moriarty’s latest installment was a hot commodity when it came out, and with HBO’s Big Little Lies just finishing up, I couldn’t wait to read it. It probably suffered from a little bit of over-hype or high expectations, but it was pretty good. Plus, it led to some delicious “shrimp on the barbie” and you can’t beat that!
Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake - I usually pick up a book to read because the story sounds good and I want to actually read the story, but occasionally I really want to make something specific for the blog, and I find a book to fit that bill. This book was one of those, and it was all about the cake. Anna Quindlen’s memoir wasn’t bad, but it just wasn’t for me, right now.
Not Worth It
The Unbearable Lightness of Being - Phew, this one was hard to get through! I’m sure you know the feeling - if it wasn’t for book club, it definitely would’ve ended up in the didn’t finish column.
All Grown Up - Luckily a short and easy read, I just didn’t empathize with the characters (or like them very much) and the immature attitude of the main character, who is very not grown up, was frustrating.
Did Not Finish
None this month - I persevered!
Currently Reading
Cloud Atlas - This is one of my friend Deanna's favorite books and I've been hanging onto it for far too long. I figure it's about time I started it, so she can have it back. I'm not even finished with the first chapter (which admittedly isn't easy to get into), but I'm hoping for the best. I'm also looking forward to *maybe* making some goofy sort of cloud egg recipe (like this one), but we'll have to see where the story takes me...
The Country of Ice Cream Star - I got sucked in by the title of this one too, and (surprise!) I really wanted to make ice cream to go with it. I got about 10% in and dropped it in favor of four other books, but now it seems like it's time to give it another try. It may end up in the “did not finish” pile…
Until next month!
Love this, Megan!! So glad you were able to post for the link up!! Just make sure you put your post up in the link up so that others can find it and comment here!! I read the first part of The Kitchen House but I haven't finished it yet. I also felt that Truly Madly Guilty wasn't Moriarty's best but I didn't mind it as much as others. Glad to hear how good Sisters Chase was - like you, I've heard amazing things from the group so I can't wait to get into that one this summer!!
Thanks, Heather! I forgot for a second to cross-post, but I just posted on Steph's page. Is yours up yet?
Yay for linking up! I completely forgot to do my post this month. Sigh. I like seeing what everyone else is reading though!
It is fun! I'm excited I found this - looking forward to doing them every month and checking out the posts from other bloggers! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
I have had Ice Cream Star on my TBR forever but after a friend said it was weird and not my kind of book I sort of forgot about it.
I love that your office has a diversity book club! That's fantastic.
Thanks for linking up.
I love this idea, Jana - thanks to you and Steph for starting it! Looking forward to more 🙂
I always have a tough time when I say "enjoy" to refer to a book about WW2. It's true but seems awful at the same time, so I completely understand. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed The Royal We. I am generally not a huge fan of romance these days but I overall liked it quite a bit. The Kitchen House sounds intriguing, eager to hear more of your thoughts about it.
Kitchen House will be my Saturday post 🙂
I've had Cloud Atlas on my list forever and need to get to it already! I'm adding The Sisters Chase to my list!
Sometimes books seem to hang out on the TBR list forever - no time like the present! I'll let you know how it is 🙂
I really liked The Royal We and Lilac Girls, too!
Yay! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
The Kitchen House and Lilac Girls both destroyed me. I couldn't read any WWII fir over a year after finishing LG.
I'm glad you joined us!
Thanks, Steph! Glad to be here 🙂 I think LG was my first WWII read since The Nightingale, which had a similar effect...both really rough, but really good.
I loved the Kitchen House and Lilac Girls. I enjoy reading about WWII and although Lilac Girls was a tough subject to read about, I still found I learned new things. I thought the Royal We and Truly Madly Guilty were just okay. I love the idea of a work place Diversity Book Club!
Nice to hear from you, Nancy! The Diversity Book Club has been great! We've done about 4 books so far - all prompted great, open discussion.